Percentage Allocation Question: no blank rows allowed 

This example illustrates a percentage allocation question. In this example, the respondent must enter budget figures totaling between a range of numbers: 100 to 150. Respondents receive an error message if they leave a row blank. 


  1. Click Select a Question Type>Answer Grid>Percentage Allocation Text Boxes from the Question menu.
  2. Click Required Question to ensure that a respondent does not leave a row blank.
  3. Click Use Javascript Option display a running total of the column sum to the respondent.

  1. Click Set A Minimum and Maximum Acceptable Column Sum.
  2. Enter 100 for the Minimum Column Sum.  
  3. Enter 150 for the Maximum Column Sum
  4. Save your question options.
  5. Create your question text and row and column labels using Set Question Text and Set Answer Options. Click Add Codes Ascending to assign values to the response options.

  1. Save your question.