Basic Calculation Formula Question: Multiply Two Respondent Answers

A Basic Calculation formula will return a result from a mathematical equation. You can use the following mathematical operators in the formula statements:

+ (addition) Sqr (square root)
- (subtraction) Atn (arctangent value)
* (multiplication) Cos (cosine)
/ (division) Exp (raise the exponential power for logarithm)
Sin (sine) Tan (tangent)
^ (exponentation) log (return the exponential power for logarithm)

In this example, two parent questions are asked requiring numeric responses. Next, a formula question multiplies the values entered for the two parent questions. Finally, the result of the formula question is used in the text of a follow-up branch question.

Create Two Parent Questions

This example uses two numeric text box questions.

  1. Click Select a Question Type>Standard Questions>Numeric Text Box from the Question menu.
  2. Save the Question Options screen.
  3. Create your question text using Set Question Text.

  1. Save the question.
  2. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to create a second numeric text box question.

Create Basic Calculation Formula Question

  1. Click Select a Question Type>Formula Question>Add a Formula Type Question.
  2. Click Basic Calculation from the Function Type dropdown list.
  3. Enter the ID of the first parent question between piping characters, |. Enter an asterisk, *,  after the question ID to indicate that you want to multiple these items. Enter  the ID of the second parent question between piping characters, |.


  1. Save the Question Option screen.
  2. Save the question.

Create Follow-Up Question

  1. Click Select a Question type>Standard Questions>Open End Text from the Question menu.

  1. Click IQ to select the ID of the formula question you just created as the Branch Parent question, F10, for example.
  2. Enter 1 as the number of branches for this question, and click the Last Branch Question checkbox.
  3. Save the Options screen.
  4. Create your question text using Set Question Text. Insert the branch identifier symbol, |, at the spot in the text at which you want the information from the formula question to be displayed. Click iC to select this symbol from a window and have it inserted automatically.

  1. Save the Question.