Using the HTML Editor

Whenever you are required to enter text in SurveyWriter, the HTML Editor appears. Use this full-featured HTML editor to enter and format the following types of text:

Note: You can also use the HTML Editor to format responses, closing pages, and any other miscellaneous messages that make up your survey.

You can enter text in Normal mode, which formats the text but does not display the underlying HTML code. You can also enter text in HTML mode, which displays the raw HTML into which you can add any formatting you want.

HTMLED02.GIF (1174 bytes)

Select the font and size of the text from the dropdown menus.

HTMLED01.GIF (1348 bytes)

You can enter text directly into the HTML Editor, or you can cut and paste existing text. If you want to preserve the formatting of text you are pasting into the HTML Editor window, click Paste Special. If you do not select this option, text is pasted in as Text Only, without its original formatting.

When you are finished entering text, click Save.

The following options are available from the toolbar.

Bold text Undo last operation
Italicize text Redo last operation
Underline text Delete
Superscript text Bullet text
Subscript text Number text
Left justify text Insert ruler line
Center text Choose font color
Right justify text Remove formatting
Move paragraph right Cut
Move paragraph left Copy
INS_TBL2.GIF (1052 bytes) Insert table Paste
Spell Check (Only available if Microsoft Word is installed on your machine) Copy text from question...
Insert image Insert question ID

When you run the survey, response data for the question replaces the Question ID in the text. Make sure to position the Question variable as desired in the text. 

Insert hyperlink

This option also enables you to link to images uploaded to SurveyWriter at the project and account level.

Insert special characters: | :: © ® ™ ® ½ ¾ ¿ ¢ £ ¥ • º
Remove hyperlink HTMLED03.gif (262 bytes) Insert video

Not yet online.

Entering HTML Manually

If you need to customize the formatting of a question, you can insert HTML tags directly into the text.

Example: To underline the words "most often" in the following question you would insert the underline tag <u> directly before the word most. When you want to stop underlining you would use the closing tag </u>. The second example shows you how to change the color of a word to red. It may be helpful to purchase a book on HTML editing if you plan on doing a lot of customization. Text may also be formatted in an HTML editor like Microsoft's FrontPage and then pasted directly into the HTML Editor window.

Please choose the soft drink you purchase <u>most often</u>

Please choose the soft drink you purchase <font color="red">most often</font>