The new SOUNDX filter is designed for awareness studies that require respondents to enter the desired responses themselves. If a respondent enters a word with the spelling close to the intended word, the respondent is allowed to view the next question. For example, you may want to show a question only to those who enter the words "Federal Express" in the previous question. However, you don't want to exclude them if they have slightly misspelled their response, such as in this case:

Fedral Express
Fed Ex
Fedral Expres

The SOUNDX filter ensures that all spellings close to the correct one are accepted. Use the following syntax in prequestion filters.

{Q1-C1-R1 [SOUNDX2] Federal Express}

You will have to experiment with the similarity levels to ensure that you get the desired result from this filter. To help you test your filters, we've included a link to the test program online:

Enter your desired word in the first space and your comparison word in the second. Press Submit to determine level of similarity. You will need to set your similarity levels in the filter to the number displayed in order to have the filter work as desired in your survey.