Thank you for your participation in our study of requirements for your product and services portfolio management process. If you are not involved in preparing materials, gathering data, or making decisions for portfolio management, please forward this link to the person or people who are in your company. Your participation will enable us to better meet your needs in the future. This information will be kept confidential. We will only use consolidated results.

In appreciation of your participation, your name will be entered into a drawing for one of three REWARDS!

· 1st prize ­ $1,000 AMERICAN EXPRESS® GIFT CARD
· 2nd prize ­ $350 Omaha Steaks® Gift Card
· 3rd prize ­ $250 Williams-Sonoma Gift Card

This survey is divided into three sections.

Section A provides us with background information and will help us categorize your data. You must complete this section.


Section B asks questions with regard to how important certain factors are to you. You are also asked to rank order only the factors that you indicate are "extremely important”.


Section C asks a series of two-part questions based on how you would feel if a certain capability existed, or if a certain capability was not present.