// //Get search string from script tag var searchString_sw = "vOmniture=1&itype=1&hostName=surveywriter.net"; var OmnitureID = getCookie_sw('s_vi'); if (OmnitureID==null) {OmnitureID = "NA";} if (OmnitureID.length==0) {OmnitureID = "NA";} searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&OmnitureID=" + OmnitureID; var MemberID = getCookie_sw('USERID'); if (MemberID==null) {MemberID = "NA";} if (MemberID.length==0) {MemberID = "NA";} searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&MemberID=" + MemberID; var uri = location.href; if (uri==null) {uri = "NA";} if (uri.length==0) {uri = "NA";} searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&uri=" + uri; var itype = query_sw('itype'); if (itype==null) {itype = "0";} if (itype.length==0) {itype = "0";} //searchString_sw = searchString_sw + "&itype=" + itype; var strReferrer=document.referrer; strReferrer=strReferrer.replace("http://",""); strReferrer=strReferrer.replace("https://",""); var arrayReferrer=strReferrer.split("/"); var varReferrer=arrayReferrer[0]; var isTest_sw = query_sw('test'); var isExit_sw = query_sw('exit'); var itype_sw = query_sw('itype'); var TriggerLogic_sw="1==1"; var popupDelay_sw="0"; var popUpOdds_sw=0; var testType_sw=0; //Control=0 ; Exposed=1 var popupDelayR_sw=0; var PIN=0; var tpix=''; var adViewsTotal_sw=0; var deviceType_sw=1; var pimMode=0; var isPIM_sw=1; //if (itype_sw=='1') {popUpOdds_sw = 20;TriggerLogic_sw="TrackingAdViews_sw < 1";popupDelay_sw=15;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw > 1";isExit_sw=1;isExit_sw=2;popupDelayR_sw=10;pimMode=1;} //Modify popup odds. A 1 means 1% of the hits, 10=10%, etc... //Keep the 99 itype as is if (itype_sw=='99') {popUpOdds_sw=0;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>0";testType_sw=1;} var deviceType_sw=getDevice_sw(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); if (itype_sw=='1') {popUpOdds_sw=1;popupDelay_sw=600;testType_sw=1;TriggerLogic_sw="adViews_sw>999";pimMode=1;} if (isExit_sw > '0') { var winType=2; } else { var winType=1; } if (1!=1) { } else if ((popupDelay_sw==-99) && (window.self!=window.top) && (parent.document.getElementById('iDiv_sw')==null)){ //!!!***Writes out from same domain orgin iframe //!!!***_______________________________________ writeInterceptScriptParent(); } else { //Set intercept in motion //----------------------- if (isExit_sw > 0) {window.onunload=dounload_001_sw;} var noGo_sw=0; var expireDays_sw=180; expireDate_sw=getDate_sw(expireDays_sw); if (isTest_sw==1) {noGo_sw=0;} //Get JSON Cookie //Place cookie values into objJsonCookie_sw //setCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw', JSON.stringify(objJsonCookie_sw), 180); var strJsonCookie_sw=getCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw'); if (strJsonCookie_sw==null) {strJsonCookie_sw = ' ';} try { var objJsonCookie_sw = JSON.parse(strJsonCookie_sw); } catch (e) { var objJsonCookie_sw = {}; } var objJsonCookiePN_sw = {}; var objJsonCookiePNvars_sw = {}; //Cookie records Intercept Served for this project var cn="C8875"; var pn="001" if (objJsonCookie_sw[cn]==null) { objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.e=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.p=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.x=expireDate_sw; objJsonCookiePN_sw[pn]=objJsonCookiePNvars_sw; objJsonCookie_sw[cn]=objJsonCookiePN_sw; } else if (objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn]==null) { objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.e=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.p=0; objJsonCookiePNvars_sw.x=expireDate_sw; objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn]=objJsonCookiePNvars_sw; } //Delete cookie if expire date has been reached destroyCookie(); //Write JSON Cookie back out immediately with testType_sw if (testType_sw==1) { objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].e = testType_sw; setCookie_sw('jsonCookie_sw', JSON.stringify(objJsonCookie_sw), 180); } //Cookie records Intercept Served for this project var surveyAsked_sw=objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].p; if (popUpOdds_sw.length==0) {popUpOdds_sw = 0;} //Set 5 second delay for control in case exposed is also on the page if ((testType_sw==0) && (popupDelay_sw == 0)) {popupDelay_sw=5;} //Cookie to read number of times page/ad viewed var isStrType_sw='t'; if (testType_sw==0) {isStrType_sw='c';} var adViewsCookieName_sw= "a" + isStrType_sw + itype_sw; var adViews_sw=objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn][adViewsCookieName_sw]; if (adViews_sw==null) {adViews_sw=0;} adViews_sw=parseFloat(adViews_sw) + 1; objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn][adViewsCookieName_sw] = adViews_sw; //Popup Trigger Logic based on page/ad views //var TriggerLogic_sw = query_sw('trLogic'); if (TriggerLogic_sw.length==0) {TriggerLogic_sw = "1==1";} var AdViewFlag_sw=0; if (eval(TriggerLogic_sw)) {AdViewFlag_sw=1;} //Check for Test Type Cookie var exposedCookieValue_sw=objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].e; if (exposedCookieValue_sw==null) {exposedCookieValue_sw=0;} if (testType_sw==1) {objJsonCookie_sw[cn][pn].e = testType_sw;} if ((exposedCookieValue_sw==1) && (testType_sw==0)) {noGo_sw=1;} //Set invite timer delay //var popupDelay_sw = query_sw('delayTime'); if (popupDelay_sw.length==0) {popupDelay_sw = 0;} //Sets the total percentage figure. Currently set to work on a 100 scale var popUpScale_sw = 100; //Set default for passSegFlag var passSegFlag_sw=0 var segValue_sw=""; var memID_sw=""; if (popupDelay_sw < 0) { popupDelay_sw = 0; passSegFlag_sw = 1; } //Popup Window Content var iContentM_sw='\
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